Blue Tansy Essential Oil : Morocco’s best kept secret

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Blue tansy

Morocco never ceases to impress us with its many beauty secrets that it bestows upon us. One of the most impressive and lesser-known secrets is that of the blue tansy. Its essential oil and its vibrant indigo color has a large number of amazing virtues. Find out in this article!

Origin and method of extraction

La Camomille Bleue ou  Tanaisie annuelle, appelée également Camomille du Maroc, est une plante annuelle à tige dressée qui pousse dans les régions méditerranéennes et dans le nord-ouest du Maroc. Elle fleurit entre le début de l’été et l’automne, et à la floraison, la tanaisie annuelle montre de petits capitules jaunes. 

De son INCI : Tanacetum Annuum Flower Oil, l’huile essentielle de Camomille bleue est obtenue par distillation à la vapeur d’eau de la sommité fleurie de la Tanaisie annuelle. Ce processus dote l’huile essentielle d’une belle couleur bleue indigo ainsi que d’une odeur prononcée, fleurie, fruitée, boisée, camphrée.


Blue Chamomile essential oil has many properties:
Anti-inflammatory: the sesquiterpenes and terpenes present limit redness and sensations of heat resulting from the body’s immune response (inflammation) to an attack suffered.
Antipruritic: acts against itching.
Antalgic, desensitizing
Venous tonic
Sedative, calming: it has a relaxing action on the nervous system which will reduce anxiety states and promote sleep.

It is also distinguished by its indigo blue color, which is due to the presence of the anti-inflammatory compound camazulence. (The color is very strong, and can stain clothes and even the skin).


Thanks to its sesquiterpene composition, Blue Chamomile essential oil is anti-inflammatory, soothing and calming, and helps soothe sensitive skin. Its circulatory component allows by the phenomenon of vasoconstriction and mild astringency, to tone and energize the tissues, to reduce redness, to soothe hypervascularized and vasodilated areas. Its anti-allergic and antipruritic action by its chamazulene content is very appreciable for ultra-reactive skin by reducing their sensitivity.
This is why the best natural cosmetic products made from this essential oil are those that target sensitive skin and present them with soothing and soothing solutions. We suggest that you incorporate it into your anti-redness creams or gels, moisturizers for sensitive skin, or even in a face toner.

Êtes vous à la recherche d’une Huile Essentielle De Camomille Bleue de qualité premium ? Découvrez celle de Prodigia, en vente en vrac ou en marque blanche ! D’origine locale; les fleurs sont cueillies et l’huile essentielle est distillée au Maroc.

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