These legal terms and conditions concern the webpage: (hereinafter referred to as “the website”)
Prodigia SARL with a capital of 100 000 Dhs, registered at the tribunal of commerce of Casablanca, RC n° : 252229, IF n° :40461969, PATENT n°:33091193 and with a head office located at BLOC F MAG 602 AHL LOGHLAM ARRONDISSEMENT SIDI MOUMEN (hereafter referred to as ‘The company’).
OVH HOSTING 10, Avenue 2 Mars, 20360 Casablanca, MOROCCO
Hotline: 0522 260 086
LLC with a capital of 55.000,00 DH
RC N°: 210221
Patent N°: 35691279-
Fiscal identity N°:1113130
CNSS affiliation N°: 8267496
ICE: 000215535000070
Website Development
This website uses WordPress technology, it was conceived by DX consulting agency, and developed by Safaa Boubia
Use of Website
Website access and the use of its content are subject to the usage stipulations provided hereinafter. The act of accessing and browsing this Website implies that the internet user fully and unreservedly accepts the following stipulations.
For any inquiries or complaints concerning these terms of use, please refer to the “contact” page.
Ownership rights
The use of this website is reserved to a strictly personal use. The products and the brand Prodigia are protected by an intellectual property code. The company holds all of the rights of use, display, operation, reproduction, representation, adaptation and translation for all of the elements that comprise the website, including the photographs, titles, illustrations, text, articles, software, HTML code, domain name, videos, logos, models, or any other informational and/or downloadable content put online by Prodigia, lone owner of the commercial license of these products and its intellectual property.
Any full or partial reproduction of any of these elements without the prior written authorisation of the company is strictly prohibited. Any breach of this clause will constitute an infringing act and might result in legal action against the Users, in accordance with the regulation and legislation in force.
The use of hyperlinks, about, and referring to the Website without the prior written authorisation of the Editor is also strictly prohibited. The user can obtain an authorisation by an email addressed to the company. Any link, even if authorized, will have to be taken down, if the company demands it.
The company reserves the right to modify, at any time, the commercial offers as well as the legal mentions and general terms of use without prior notification.
Privacy policy
The information gathered on the website, will be subjected to data processing in order to respond to the demands of a newsletter. This data is intended for the Prodigia company and its processing will be notified to the CNDP (Commission Nationale de contrôle de la protection des Données à caractère Personnel).
In accordance with amended law no. 09-08, enacted by the Dahir 1-09-15 on February 18th 2009, and relative to the protection of your personal data, the user has the right to access and rectify the information that is relevant to them, and that he can exerce by contacting the Prodigia company.
The user can also, for legitimate reasons, be opposed to the processing of his/her personal data.
We are very concerned about the security and protection of the personal data of users as well as maintaining confidentiality amongst users. Special measures will be taken in order to assure this fact.
Cookies charter
The use of cookies is to optimize the user experience of the website and provide them with relevant services and content alike. These are small text files stored in the computer’s main memory or in the browser history itself. They serve the purpose of identifying the computer used during the navigation of certain pages of our website. By accepting the cookie policy, the user accepts the installation and use of targeted cookies on their device, most often for promotional/publicity related reasons. This allows us to improve your access to our site, with respect and protection of the user’s private life.
The refusal to accept this policy does not limit you from using the website, but it can limit the functionality of our internet offers as a result.
For more information about the use of cookies, please refer back to this website:
The photographs of designated products are only present as an indication and have no contractual value. The Prodigia company can not be held responsible for mistakes or inaccuracies based on the photographs, or graphic representations of certain items, because of certain modifications that could have been made.
Hypertext links
The hypertext links on the website can lead the user to other websites. The company declines any responsibility concerning the content, publicity, products and services of these websites. The use and access to these websites are the users’ responsibility.
Moreover, the creation of hypertext links towards the Prodigia website can only be done with the written and prior authorisation of the Prodigia company.
Responsibility limitations
The company strives to maintain its website accessible, but is not obligated to do so. The access to the web site might be suspended for technical reasons, maintenance, updates, or for other reasons entirely.
The publishing company of the website is in no way responsible for these interruptions or for their consequences for the user, as well as for any damage resulting in a potential fraudulent intrusion by a third party having modified data from the website.
The company also declines any responsibility linked to a malfunction of the website, as well as any damages that could be caused to the user’s hardware after navigating the website.
The company will not be able, under any pretense, to be held responsible for any damage, direct or indirect, whatever the causes, nature, or consequences, resulting from the use of the website.
Law enforcement
The aforementioned terms of uses of the website are subject to Moroccan regulations. Any disagreement relative to the website will be submitted and regulated by the tribunals of the city of Casablanca